Shari Sherman

Shari Sherman

Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Biopsy is Benign

Apparently the photo isn't loading on the last post, so here it is...entitled, The Biopsy is Benign.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

How Do You Wish to be Brave?

This week Jamie of Wishcasting Wednesdays, asks us, How Do You Wish to Be Brave?

At the beginning of the year, the word I chose to define this year was BRAVE. After all, I was enrolled in Brave Girls Camp for the wonderful Soul Restoration, and I felt truly ready to fly, ready to take off. I knew that I was going to need to be brave on my journey.

Well, the Universe has certainly presented me with some very intense ways of building bravery. First, I was layed off from my day job. No more steady paycheck.  Then, shortly after that I received a letter informing me that my mammogram results recommended further followup. After another mammogram and ultrasounds, a breast biopsy was recommended. Then, as I went to seek refuge at my parents place down South, and lay low until the results came back, my father informs me that my mother has also been undergoing biopsies of her own and has been diagnosed with colon cancer, requiring surgery ASAP.

Talk about being Brave! How? I wish to be brave in the face of change. Life has a wonderfully scary way of changing, and sometimes, often times, in the most unexpected directions. I wish to be brave in those moments. To be brave no matter what happens. To be brave in thinking, I'll handle whatever comes. To be brave enough to tell someone I love, we'll handle whatever comes, no matter what.

And I thought I needed to be Brave to take flight in my art career, to put myself out there. Oh, how that seems so light and fanciful compared to the challenges that have brushed up against me.

FYI, my biopsy came back benign and my mother is recovering remarkably well. The above painting was something I did to commemorate this event in my life. I incorporated a love note from my husband that he left for me the day the results were due back and the words in graphite....the biopsy is benign.

Be BRAVE. Be Kind.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Look yourself in the eye

Last night, my creative group, the VOGs, worked on affirmation mirrors. Much like everyone else, we had all come up with positive messages aimed at improving ourselves at the beginning of the new year. For this project, we took those words and phrases combined with some super-cute die cuts, gems, and other found items to embellish simple wood-frame mirrors. I added a turquoise ribbon to mine, and this morning woke up to this love reminder to myself. The most important aspect of this project is the I can look myself in the eye as I tell myself how great I am. It's a great way to start the day and a wonderful place to visit for a few minutes, to take a deep breath, especially when those pesky self doubts sneak up on you.
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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The possibilities are Limitless...within limits

Space shuttle Discovery-final launch. Photo by Shari Sherman

For those of us in the creative world, there is so much talk about living our best lives, living our dreams to the fullest, about the limitlessness of possibilities. I love this way of life. It feels good. It feels inspired and on purpose. I do believe that the possibilities are limitless where your life is concerned.

The irony of these limitless possibilities is that you need limits to achieve them.


I believe that if your heart desires it, then there is a something inside you that can make it happen. If you have the desire, then you have the ability. Dream your dream, then get up and go in the direction of it. Those dreams aren't going to make themselves! In order to do that though, I think it takes honing, discipline, and awareness. And that means limits. Limits on time and limits on behavior. There's a reason why we are taught these skills when we are little. I think they lead to happy, productive, and creative lives. You see, limits create a sense of safety and I think that a sense of safety is essential to creative freedom.

I have a big creative dream of making a living from my art, and I know that I need limits in order for that to happen. I need to limit the time spent wasted on the computer floating here and there, and also time spent wasted plugged into the TV. They don't call it the "boob tube" for nothin'! I also need to set limits on my behavior. I spend too much time thinking about my weight. I know I need to lose a certain amount to "feel like myself". So I need to set limits on what I take into my body (sweets, chips, wine), so I can feel and perform my best.

So, my wish is to set these limits and stick to them....and see what happens. These behaviors aren't productive or beneficial or necessary on my path to my dream.

If you think you'd like to join in on some Wishcasting fun every Wednesday, check out Jamie Ridlers Studio here.

Be Kind.
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